Report a Concern

CARE team.

Please do not print this form. Only online submissions will be accepted. The form will be placed in a secured site in which only the CARE Team has access.
If you have questions, please contact the CARE Team at lccccareFREELARAMIE. All referral information is confidential.

Signs to Watch for in Students

  • Expresses stressful events have occurred in his/her life.
  • Displays decreased quality of work.
  • Increased absences.
  • Makes repeated requests for special considerations.
  • Displays anxiety.
  • Unable to provide for his/her basic living needs.

Take Action: Talk directly with the student if you’re comfortable and discuss available resources. File a CARE Incident Report online.

  • Has incongruent emotional response.
  • Displays bizarre behavior.
  • Describes suspicious thoughts.
  • Demonstrates irritable behavior.
  • Reports sexual or physical assault.
  • Has emotional or angry outbursts.
  • Disrupts class.

Take Action: The student may require disciplinary action. Contact the dean of students or submit a CARE Incident Report online. Report all Title IX cases to the Title IX coordinator or deputy and/or completed online form.

  • Expresses suicidal thoughts or gestures.
  • Makes threats to others.
  • Displays self-mutilating behavior.
  • Fascination with or carries weapons.
  • Demonstrates intimidating behaviors.

Take Action: Safety is an immediate concern. Contact Campus Safety to assess and assist.